Terms and conditions

1. Introduction

Browsing the TAB4U.COM website is subject to your prior agreement to the terms of use as detailed below. Therefore, before browsing and using the site, we ask you to read them carefully. The use of the services is offered to you conditional upon acceptance of the terms, conditions, and notices contained in this document as is, without any changes. Otherwise, you will not be authorized to use the services, in whole or in part. The regulations are written in the masculine form for convenience only, but they are, of course, directed towards the feminine form as well. The section headings are for convenience only and will not serve as any reference or aid in interpretation. The site's rules primarily aim to protect the site and its users. TAB4U.COM presents thousands of Israeli and non-Israeli songs, each of which can be viewed with the lyrics, chords, tabs, and functions intended for musicians, singers, music enthusiasts, and the like. The TAB4U.COM team commits to doing everything in its power to: 1. Ensure the accuracy of the song editing on the site. 2. Prevent harassment of other members on the site. 3. Try to help anyone who has been harmed in any way by using the site. The site team reserves the right to change this agreement from time to time without prior notice. The new agreement will be valid even if a different agreement appeared at the time of registration. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are aware of the current terms of use.

2. Copyright

The TAB4U.COM website has thousands of songs in its database. Some songs are edited by the site team, and others by site users. The TAB4U.COM management is not responsible for content, copyright infringement, or inaccuracies in song lyrics edited by users. This means that if a song was uploaded by a user, the responsibility for copyright infringement lies solely with the user who uploaded the song. If there is any copyright infringement by a song or any content on the site, you can contact the site through the contact form, and the site management commits to responding as quickly as possible to remove the content, provided that a violation is proven. The right to display Israeli songs on the site was obtained from ACUM by paying royalties to the creators.

3. How to upload songs and his copyrights

After a user uploads a song to TAB4U.COM, the song is sent for review by the site team. Uploading the song by a user means transferring ownership of the edited content to TAB4U.COM. This means that after a user uploads a song to TAB4U.COM, the site management has the right to use it as they wish. If the song is not well-edited, contains errors, or is not formatted correctly, the site management has the right to delete the song or, alternatively, approve it and expose it to the audience. To clarify, after a user uploads a song, the site management has the right to determine the fate of the song as they wish, and the user who uploaded the song has no further rights to it. For example, the user cannot request payment for the publication of the songs they edited or request to remove the song.

4. Purchases at TAB4U

In the interface, you can only purchase with a valid credit card and not with a loaded card (for example, the Post Bank).

A. Purchase of services in a continuous transaction

a. The site offers several services on a recurring monthly payment basis. These services include various premium services offered on the site. The company reserves the right to add additional ongoing services. b. These ongoing services are provided for an indefinite period and continue indefinitely until canceled by the user or the company in accordance with these terms. The charges for these services are a recurring monthly fee, as stated in the subscription terms published for each type of service. c. When purchasing an ongoing service, the user agrees to pay the monthly subscription fees for an indefinite period, with the charges continuing on a standing order each month from the first billing date until the service is canceled. d. It should be noted that there are subscriptions that include a discount off the list price for users who commit in advance for a specific period, such as 3 to 12 months (hereinafter: "the commitment period"). These plans are also considered indefinite term transactions, subject to the subscriber's commitment for the specified period. Even after the commitment period, the subscription continues, and the charges are made at the predetermined price and conditions as part of the subscription terms, until it is canceled in accordance with these terms of use. e. You can cancel ongoing services at any time by notifying the site through any of the methods detailed below. The cancellation will take effect within three (3) business days from the receipt of the cancellation notice, or within six (6) business days if the cancellation notice is sent by registered mail. Such cancellation may incur cancellation fees, as detailed in section 4 D below.

B. The cancellation methods

a. Notification of subscription or purchase cancellation can be sent using one of the following options:
1. By email tab4u.com@gmail.com from the email with which the user paid or through the "Contact Us" form on the website. This request will be answered by our response and will require a repeat reply from the same email to confirm that this is indeed the owner of the email. 2. At the payments page on the website. 3. Through the phone number listed on the contact page intended for financial matters only from Sunday to Thursday between 14:00-16:00. 4. By registered mail, to Harav Tsirelson 36, Tel Aviv.

C. Clarification regarding the premium services

a. Only one person can use an active premium user with up to 3 different devices. for example from the personal cell phone, the computer at home and the computer at work. b. The subscription to the site's premium services includes several different services, divided as follows:
1. Services that continue throughout the subscription period (e.g., ad-free browsing, playing the chords or playing the tabs). 2. Services that can be purchased using "credits" during the subscription period (e.g., receiving express songs, songbooks) (hereinafter: "the credit component"). 3. Access to information on the site (including access to songs' easy versions and songs' strummings) (hereinafter: "the information component").
c. The information component, which includes access to the site's content, is considered "information" as defined in the Computers Law, 1995. The subscriber receives full access to it immediately. Therefore, according to the Consumer Protection Law, 1981, the right to cancel the transaction within 14 days of its execution does not apply to this content (section 14C(d) of the law). d. It is hereby clarified that, in relation to the payment for a Premium subscription, a one-time fee of 25 NIS is charged for the information component mentioned above (which is part of the first payment collected for the subscription). The remaining payment for the subscription is for the ongoing services and credit services (hereinafter collectively: "the ongoing services"). e. The credit component is a component that allows for the ordering of services that are specifically created for the customer, and it includes, among other things, payment to musicians who edit the songs. Therefore, it is clarified that after using the credit to purchase services or products on the site, it will not be possible to cancel the purchase.

D. Results of cancellation of an continuous transaction, including premium service

a. A user who has purchased a paid subscription to the site is entitled to cancel it within 14 days from the date of the transaction or from the date of receiving the subscription purchase agreement by email. Regarding the premium services, this cancellation will only be relevant to the part of the transaction associated with the ongoing services, and the user will be charged a cancellation fee of no more than 5% of the price of the ongoing services, or 100 NIS, whichever is lower, in addition to the cost of the monthly service which constitutes the relative consideration for the ongoing service received by the user up to the date of cancellation of the transaction. b. The relative part of the payment, which is given for the information component, is final and cannot be canceled or refunded. c. After using the credit given as part of the subscription for the purpose of purchasing a service or product, a refund cannot be obtained for the value of the service or product. The aforementioned value will be deducted from the refund amount specified below, according to the value listed on the purchase page on the site. d. Subsequently, the cancellation of an ongoing transaction will lead to the following results:
1. Ongoing monthly subscription: A refund of the monthly subscription fees paid for the ongoing service will be issued, minus a cancellation fee of 5 NIS or 5% of the price of the ongoing service, whichever is higher, as well as the relative charge for the days of use from the last billing date until the day the service cancellation takes effect. 2. An ongoing subscription that includes a commitment period: In the case of cancellation during the commitment period, a refund of the monthly subscription fees paid for the ongoing services only will be issued, minus a cancellation fee of 5 NIS or 5% of the price of the ongoing service, whichever is higher, as well as the relative charge for the days of use from the last billing date until the day the service cancellation takes effect. Additionally, in such a case, the discount given on the list price will be canceled, and for the purpose of receiving a refund, the subscriber will be considered as having purchased a monthly subscription for the relevant period. The subscriber will be charged the difference between the amount paid and the cost of a monthly subscription for the period from the subscription purchase date until its cancellation. In the case of cancellation after the end of the commitment period, the company will not charge any amount as a cancellation fee. If the relevant subscription is canceled during the month for which subscription fees were charged, a proportional refund of the monthly subscription fees from the day of cancellation until the end of the month will be issued. 3. It is hereby agreed that the cancellation fees reflect the expected costs to the company as a result of the cancellation of the transaction during the billing period (including, but not limited to, the issuance of paperwork, accounting, processing refunds, etc.).
e. It should be noted that if a cancellation notice is sent less than 24 hours before the next billing date, there may be a charge for the next month. However, the subscriber will then receive a credit for the proportional part, in accordance with these provisions.

E. Cancellation of purchase of tickets for the event

a. The company occasionally offers tickets to various events. Tickets can be canceled within 14 days from the date of purchase or from the date the purchase agreement is received, provided that the cancellation is made at least 7 non-rest days before the event date. b. Such cancellation will be subject to a cancellation fee not exceeding 5% of the transaction price, or 100 NIS, whichever is lower.

F. Purchase of one-time services Purchase of tickets for the event

a. The company occasionally offers one-time services. b. One-time services can be canceled within 14 days from the date of purchase or from the date the purchase agreement is received, provided that the cancellation is made at least two non-rest days before the scheduled date of the service. c. If the service has already been provided, it cannot be canceled.

5. Utilization of credits

A. Using credit for express song edit or requesting a song strumming

Premium users on TAB4U receive credits for Express song editing requests and for requesting strumming patterns for songs. One credit equals one request. As a Premium user, you can invest one credit and receive the edited song (lyrics and chords, and in some cases tabs, though we are not obligated to provide tabs) within 48 hours of the request, with holidays, Fridays, Saturdays, or other non-working days not counted in the time calculation. You can use up to two credits for Express song editing requests per day. If the musician editing the songs is on vacation, a notification will be displayed starting two days before the vacation date, and Express song requests cannot be made during those dates. The maximum song length that can be requested is 6 minutes. If the song is longer, the musician may cancel the request or charge 2 credits with the customer's consent. The edited version will always prioritize the album version (and not a live version) in the original key of the song. For a song to be edited by a TAB4U musician, it must be in a language our musician understands (Hebrew/English) and be easily found online (e.g., on YouTube). If the song's lyrics are unclear to the editing musician and they cannot transcribe them, the request will be rejected and the credit will be returned to the user who invested it. If more than 20 Express song requests have been received in the last 48 hours, no additional Express requests can be made until the previous requests are edited. In rare cases, TAB4U management has the option not to accept an Express request, in which case the credit will be returned to the user who invested it, and the notification will be provided accordingly. The song editing request must be clear enough, and if a different song than the intended one is edited, the credit will not be refunded (the responsibility for understanding the exact version for editing lies with the requester). You can also use the same credit to request a strumming pattern for a specific song. The strumming pattern is a brief diagram on how to play with the right hand, similar to the strumming page in this link, and does not refer to the right-hand arpeggio (note-by-note picking). Unlike Express requests, there is no time limit for responding to strumming requests, and a strumming request may be answered only after a month, for example, depending on the work of the TAB4U team. The TAB4U team strives to respond to all strumming requests as soon as possible. Upon canceling the Premium user service, all received credits will be reset, so it is recommended to use these credits before canceling the subscription.

B. Using credit for editing a custom songbook

Premium users on TAB4U receive credits for editing a personalized chord book. One credit equals saving one book. As a Premium user, you can use a credit in the interface for editing a personalized chord book - you cannot change the songs that will appear in the book, but you can change the book settings and download it again. Each personalized songbook can contain up to 500 songs. Upon canceling the Premium user service, all received credits will be reset, so it is recommended to use these credits before canceling the subscription.

C. Using credit for sheet music of a song

You can also purchase credits (or receive credits in the premium plan that includes credits for sheet music - only if explicitly stated on the purchase page) for song sheet music editing by a dedicated musician from TAB4U. Two credits will be charged for editing the sheet music of a song that does not exist on TAB4U and needs to be edited from scratch, and a single credit will be charged for a song that has already been edited. Song editing includes editing the sheet music for the song's melody with chords above and broken-down lyrics below. Users can also edit sheet music and sell it through TAB4U, earning 10 NIS for each credit used on a song they edited. The user utilizing a credit for sheet music editing must clearly specify any particular requests and ensure it is clear which song and which version they want to be edited. The user is also responsible for ensuring that the song and version they want edited is available online so that the musician can listen to and edit the sheet music. Editing the melody of solos, transition pieces, riffs, intros, or outros (and generally melodies that are not the song's main melody) are not included in the editing. Therefore, even if requested, these parts will not be edited.

6. TAB4U rights and content

All copyrights and intellectual property rights of the website TAB4U.COM belong to the site management. The rights to the system design, site code, graphic files, edited songs, and any other material included therein are owned by the site owners. No part of the above may be distributed, duplicated, copied, publicly displayed, or provided to a third party without prior written consent from the site owner.

7. En.TAB4U.COM's chat system and users data

The website TAB4U.COM has a dating system for musicians, aiming to meet new people for friendship, romantic relationships, playing music with others, forming a band, self-promotion, and other purposes. When registering on the TAB4U.COM website, all data is stored in the site's database. The site management has the right to use this data. Additionally, the Device ID of registered users is saved to send push notifications. These notifications are sent only by TAB4U for internal use only, to notify about new messages, users who viewed your profile, and other notifications. At any time, push notifications can be disabled on the account settings page. Each user who registers on the site can choose whether to display their profile in the dating system or not, by checking a dedicated checkbox during registration. Upon registration, all user details are saved in the system (such as the user's IP address, registration time, and other additional data). If they choose to display their profile, all other site users will be able to view the details they updated. Details such as: email, first name, last name, region, residence, personal status, free status, gender, date of birth, dating purpose, pictures (if uploaded), and additional details. The user commits that all the data they have provided is true and correct. Any false data constitutes a severe violation of the terms. TAB4U.COM is not responsible for their accuracy. The site management commits not to display the user's password to any party, including the site management itself. The site management can reset the password if the user requests it. Within the dating system, any user can send messages to any other user. It is prohibited to send rude, insulting messages or those containing curses. Only users with a clear profile picture can send messages, and if a user sends a message, the profile picture cannot be deleted for 24 hours. The TAB4U.COM site management has the option to review user messages to ensure that no users are violating the terms or harming any other users in any way.

8. Prohibited actions and user blocking

The management of TAB4U has the authority to delete or suspend a user from TAB4U without any explanation or prior warning if they perform a prohibited action or violate the site's terms of service. The following actions are prohibited and may result in user suspension (these are additional prohibited actions beyond those mentioned so far and those that will be detailed later): Do not use the site for any activity intended to disrupt or interfere with any computer and communication systems (including the TAB4U site servers themselves). Do not create more than one user account per person. Do not use TAB4U if you have been previously suspended from TAB4U or one of its partner sites. Do not upload pictures to your profile that are not yours, inappropriate pictures, provocative pictures, or pictures that do not show the face of the person uploading the picture. Do not enter false information in the site content. Do not update false personal details (e.g., date of birth, status, etc.). Do not send false messages. Do not send messages that are offensive or may harm other site members. Do not engage in activities that are not defined as "fair use." Do not use TAB4U for advertising purposes. Do not send obscene or disrespectful messages. There is no tolerance for objectionable content or abusive users.

9. Users photos

Users of the TAB4U website have the option to upload photos to the site. It is forbidden to upload photos that show revealing body parts, photos that the user does not solely own, or photos that do not depict the user who uploaded them. Do not upload a photo that shows someone else. The rights to the photos uploaded belong solely to the user who uploaded them.

10. Posting highlighted messages on the boards

Every user on TAB4U.COM can post regular (non-highlighted) messages to the boards on the site for free. Each user can also post highlighted messages to the boards for a fee. The payment, advertising period, and advertising conditions (i.e., what the advertisement includes) are specified on the highlighted message posting page. The payment is processed by an external payment processing company. If there is an error in the charge, or an incorrect amount is charged, contact the payment processing company. The site is not responsible for the payment processing but only for the data sent for processing, which must match the conditions specified on the highlighted message posting page. This includes the amount charged and the advertising period.

11. Email

By registering on the TAB4U website, you agree to receive advertisements in accordance with the Communications (Telecommunications and Broadcasting) Law (Amendment No. 40), 2008. By default, and as long as you have not withdrawn your consent to receive promotional mail, TAB4U or a third party on its behalf may send site members mail regarding messages received on the site regularly, notifications about users who have viewed them, messages regarding site events, promotional mail, updates, song recommendations for playing, reminders, or other emails. If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can easily do so by changing your mailing preferences on the account settings page or on the mailing preferences page (a link to which is at the end of every email sent). It is expressly prohibited to provide details of another user. Anyone who violates this rule will be responsible for any damages and/or expenses that may be incurred by the site operator due to providing someone else's details without permission as mentioned.

12. Content prohibited for publication

The website TAB4U.COM has a forum system, board system, discussion system, songs, albums, articles, and essays. In each of these systems, every user agrees to the following restrictions and confirms that the content they submit to the site does not include: Any pornographic content or explicit sexual material Any content that is prohibited by law Any content that constitutes defamation or violates privacy Advertising services/products not related to the site’s content Any content and information concerning minors that identifies them, their personal details, or their address and contact information Any computer software, code, or application containing a computer virus, including malicious software known as Trojan horses, worms, vandals, malicious applications, etc. Any information whose publication is prohibited by law, including court-issued gag orders, identifying details of victims of sexual offenses, criminals, or victims of crimes who are minors, etc. Any harassing, insulting, hostile, threatening, obscene, or racist content Any information that might mislead other users, any third party, or the site’s team Any information contrary to generally accepted internet usage rules or that could harm internet users in general and TAB4U.COM users in particular Any information that is password-protected or otherwise restricted and not freely accessible to all internet users Such content will be removed from the site immediately upon discovery. The site system reserves the right to seek compensation from the publisher for any damages caused or that may be caused due to the publication of prohibited content.

13. YouTube API

Some TAB4U pages display videos through the YouTube API. By using the Youtube API you also agree to be bound by the YouTube Terms of Use listed on the following page: https://www.youtube.com/t/terms And the Google Terms of Use listed on the following page: http://www.google.com/policies/privacy

14. No warranty

The use of TAB4U.COM is at the user's own risk. Although the site management makes every effort to optimize the site for each user, the site, by its nature, is intended for the general public, and all the information provided is available to the public as is. Therefore, the use of the site - with all its services - is at your own risk as a user. TAB4U.COM is not responsible for the messages and content that you or other users submit. Specifically, TAB4U.COM cannot verify the accuracy or correctness of these messages and content. For this reason, you alone will bear full and exclusive responsibility for the content of any message and other content you submit for publication and for any consequences that result from their publication. Furthermore, TAB4U.COM is not responsible for the legality, reliability, accuracy, or completeness of any content, nor for any damage, loss, inconvenience, distress, or other direct or indirect consequences that may occur to you or any third party due to any message or content you submit for publication on the site. TAB4U.COM is not responsible for any message you receive as a result of using the site. It is important to remember that no information security system is completely immune. The TAB4U site is not responsible if any third party manages to misuse the site or any information that leaks from it. In such a case, you agree that the site will not bear any responsibility, including any damage that might occur, if it does occur.

15. Indemnification

You agree to indemnify TAB4U.COM or anyone on its behalf for any damage, loss, loss of profit, payment, or expense incurred by them - including attorney's fees and court costs - due to your breach of this contract. Additionally, you will indemnify TAB4U.COM or anyone on its behalf for any claim, lawsuit, and/or demand made against them by any third party as a result of details, information, or files you submitted for publication. You acknowledge and agree that you will have no claim, lawsuit, or demand against TAB4U.COM regarding the aforementioned information and data.

16. Individual modesty and privacy

The site team has full authority to inspect content randomly, automatically, or manually and respond accordingly. This includes the right to review messages exchanged between users to protect the site and its users. You, as a site user, agree that this does not constitute an invasion of your privacy or personal space as a user, and that it is done solely to protect all users and the site itself. Additionally, our profile pages are partially visible to users who are not logged into the site to allow non-registered users to view and get an impression of the site’s users. Because of this, search engines may also index user profile pages. The guiding principle when using the site is that all information you fill out in your profile is visible to everyone (anyone can also register and view the full profile of any other user). For example, the photos you upload, your religious affiliation, etc.

17. Support

The services of the TAB4U.COM website do not include technical support. The TAB4U.COM team will make an effort to respond quickly to your inquiries regarding technical matters, which will be received via email only, but they do not commit to doing so.

18. Jurisdiction

This document shall be governed by and construed for all purposes in accordance with the laws of the State of Israel. Any claim or legal proceeding arising from or related to this document will be heard in the competent court in the Tel Aviv-Jaffa district, and each party agrees to submit to the jurisdiction and venue of such courts. You hereby irrevocably and unconditionally waive any claim regarding the invalidity and/or nullity and/or non-binding nature of this document. The site’s rules may be updated from time to time, and they are effective from the moment they are posted on the site. You are aware that from the moment you agree to the site's rules, you also agree to the updated rules of the site with respect to any action related to the TAB4U website.
In any issue, you can contact us on the 'Contact Us' page.