השמיים chords by סיני תור Author And Composer:סיני תור Editor: Edited by user Edit song Strumming: Request Strumming Add to my song Easy Version Resetsize A + A - Show Chords Simplify Chords Change Ton -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Printing panel Sheet music A G A Bm A G A Bm השמיים מספרים מספרים כבודך A G A Bm A G A Bm אמא אדמה והמים עולים עד אליך סיני תור - More Songs No more song for this artistAsk a song More songs from the category Song edited by a surfer A story about a broken heartBenjamin's BrotherThe Lion Sleeps TonightThe TokensmichelleThe BeatlesShe's Too YoungOri RonenHeroFamily of the YearGottenAdam LevineI Walk On Water KaleoSultans Of SwingDire StraitsColorful SparksOri RonenGood VibesNadav Guedj השמיים Replies Login To reply - Sign up \ Login