השמיים chords by סיני תור Author And Composer:סיני תור Editor: Edited by user Edit song Strumming: Request Strumming Add to my song Easy Version Resetsize A + A - Show Chords Simplify Chords Change Ton -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Printing panel Sheet music A G A Bm A G A Bm השמיים מספרים מספרים כבודך A G A Bm A G A Bm אמא אדמה והמים עולים עד אליך סיני תור - More Songs No more song for this artistAsk a song More songs from the category Song edited by a surfer I WishBenjamin's BrotherRosemary's EyesGeva Alonmade of starsHovi StarColorful SparksOri RonenRelaxationGeva AlonMoving OnANNA RFSultans Of SwingDire StraitsLike The First TimeBenjamin's BrotherPaperback WriterThe BeatlesThe Lion Sleeps TonightThe Tokens השמיים Replies Login To reply - Sign up \ Login