Rolling Stones

Songs of Rolling Stones

Song name Contain Tabs Contain sheet music Learning Video
Angie Tabs
Wild Horses
Paint it, Black Tabs
She's A Rainbow Tabs
Anybody Seen My Baby
As Tears Go By Tabs
Satisfaction Tabs
Living In A Ghost Town
Sister Morphine
Jumping Jack Flash Tabs
Ruby Tuesday
Sympathy For The Devil Tabs
Get Off Of My Cloud
Gimme Sheleter Tabs
Midnight Rambler Tabs
You Can't Always Get What You Want Tabs
Start Me Up Tabs

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You Can't Always Get What You Want: The three verses (along with the varied theme in the 4th verse) address the
Major topics of the 1960s: love, politics, and drugs.
Each verse captures the essence of the initial optimism and eventual disillusion,
followed by the resigned pragmatism in the chorus.
Jumping Jack Flash: Richards sad that he and Jagger wrote the lyrics while staying at Richards' country house,
where they were awoken one morning by the sound of gardener Jack Dyer walking past the window.
When Jagger asked what the noise was, Richards responded: "Oh, that's Jack – that's jumpin' Jack."
The rest of the song evolved from there...
Ruby Tuesday: The song's lyrics concern an apparently free-spirited woman, with Jagger singing,
"Who could hang a name on you?/When you change with every new day/Still I'm gonna miss you."
According to Keith Richards autobiography, Life, the song was written about his then girlfriend Linda Keith.
Linda had taken up with Jimi Hendrix, and had got involved with drugs.
She left Richards, and he tried to get her back.
He eventually went to her parents and told them she was going down a dark path.
Linda's father went to New York to collect her, and by order of court she was grounded.
Richards reports that Keith regarded this as a betrayal, and they did not speak again for many years.
According to Richards's autobiography, Keith survived, brought up a family, and now lives in New Orleans.
Gimme Sheleter: The Rolling Stones first played this song live on a TV special, 'Pop Go The Sixties', on 31 December 1969.
On the recording of the album, Jagger said in a 1995 interview with Rolling Stone,
"Well, it's a very rough, very violent era. The Vietnam War.
Violence on the screens, pillage and burning. And Vietnam was not war as we knew it
in the conventional sense..." On the song itself, he concluded,
"That's a kind of end-of-the-world song, really. It's apocalypse; the whole record's like that."
Midnight Rambler: The lyrics take the point of view of a roaming rapist/murderer.
Some of the words are reportedly quotes from Albert DeSalvo's
(the murderer of 13 women in the Boston area) confession to
The Boston Strangler's crimes. Keith Richards has called the number "a blues opera".
Get Off Of My Cloud: The song was written as a follow-up single to the successful "Satisfaction".
The Stones have said that the song is written as a reaction to their sudden popularity
After the success of "Satisfaction".
The song deals with their aversion to people's expectations of them.
Keith Richards says: "'Get off of My Cloud' was basically a response to people knocking
On our door asking us for the follow-up to 'Satisfaction'... We thought, 'At last.
We can sit back and maybe think about events.' Suddenly there's the knock at the door
And of course what came out of that was 'Get off of My Cloud'